Hola a todos los socios:
Espero que todos hayan disfrutado el placer de las vacaciones de invierno.  Hay muchas noticias que compartir:
I.  Southwest Idea Share: A Success!
We had a great get-together on Saturday. We met from 10:00 to 12:30 to
share ideas and network, then we went to eat lunch at Plaza Jalisco.
Everyone contributed with a range of suggestions from games to teaching
tips, evaluation procedures, using movies effectively, cartoons, verb
templates, Internet activities, etc.There were 14 people participating:
Sandy Bain, Cristin Dorsing, Linda Sigler, Kurt Wimer, Sandy Bly, Lhonda
Backman, Patricia Flynn, Ken Sparks, Beth Coleman, Carolina Pittser,
Julie Lipke, Calvin Olsen, Alex Whitman and Oriana Cadman.
We decided we definitely wanted to do this again next year same place,
same time.  And thanks to Tom Poer who sent handouts with a colleague and to Nona Brady who emailed instructions
for a game. Copies were made and
Editor's Note:  Now that we have such vibrant SW participation, I'm going to expect you southwesterners to keep me
and the membership abreast of events, restaurants, etc. in Portland of interest to Spanish and Portuguese teachers.  I

II.  The Washington Association for Language Teaching: What A Great Deal for You!
As many of you know, our organization has been vital in forging networks among Spanish teachers in our state.  People
share ideas, learn new information, become aware of cultural events taking place in the state, discuss K-20 articulation,
and form friendships, among other things.
Please contact Dr. Sonja Hokanson about the Eastern Idea Share, coming your way soon: shokan@mail.wsu.edu, or
contact host Erik Lampi of Lake Roosevelt High School, nelampi@televar.com.  Eastern members already received a
mailing on this, but I have misplaced the date...can someone send me the relevant details?  I'll place it in next week's
March will bring "What Every Spanish Teacher Should Know about Luso-Brazilian Culture and the Portuguese
Language," hosted by Portuguese liaison Elwin Wirkala, Northwestern Vice President Paloma Borreguero, and
webmaster Eduardo Tobar.  Teachers will be given clock hours, a lesson in Rio de Janiero carioca Brazilian Portuguese
as well as a whirlwind cultural tour, and a lesson plan to take home for carnaval, so that they may make their Spanish
classrooms into Portuguese classrooms for a day.  Information about dates and locations will be forthcoming.
Now is the time to think of nominating a K-20 Spanish or Portuguese teacher to be Juan de Fuca AATSP Teacher of
the Year 2000.  A committee formed by the Vice Presidents will begin discussions in February to select criteria for this
year's winner.
During late May or early June we will have our second annual Seattle International Film Festival outing after tapas at
Dany Porter's house.  Dandy has been kind enough to volunteer to hostess again this year.
In the works for 2000-2001 so far is a tentative Dominican Culture/Merengue Dance workshop for the fall.  ¡Nos
vemos en el capítulo
A large number of you are already WAFLT members.  WAFLT, the Washington Association for Language Teaching, is
just as vital as AATSP, and it links ALL language teachers-- Japanese, Russian, Italian, French, German, Chinese,
Spanish, etc.  WAFLT puts on an annual Fall Conference and spring regionals, provides grants to promising students
and outstanding teachers, and keeps up with developments at the state level so that we can all be the best teachers we
can be and so that our students benefit to the greatest extent possible.
WAFLT membership is $45 per year, and in addition to the conferences, you receive the FORUM and the
PRESIDENT'S NEWSLETTER.  The benefits to you are clear!  Contact President Marianne Harvey,
jimmarh7@gte.net for more information.  Washington State Juan de Fuca Chapter, AATSP
V.  http://www.espanol.com
Oriana nota que se puede comprar todo en espanol.com y se lo recomienda a vosotros.  También, para entrevistas y un
ojo al mundo cultural hispano, yo (Jay) se lo recomienda este sitio: http://www.mercado.com.  Para un periódico
electrónico que da informaciones para hispanos y otros interesados en la vida diaria hispánica en los EEUU, miren
http://www.hispanic.com. (Gracias a Flo Spalding y Eloise McAllister del capítulo de la AATSP de Austin para este
VI.  PALABRAS SEMANALES, por Kenneth Barger.  (To subscribe to LA PALABRA DIARIA, e-mail Ken Barger
at KennethBarger@cs.com)
Azogue:  nm.  1.  Quicksilver, mercury.  2.  Market place.  3.  (colloquial)

Spoulakk comprueba de cuando en cuando en el espejo la ecuánime respiración
de su mujer: Nadia en los marfiles de la dormidera, impresa en la luna de azog

Alberto Ajón León.  Pesquisas en Castalia.  Letras Cubanas, 1996, pág. 38.
Tuerca:  nf.  (mech.)  Nut

La mujer lo examinó.  Pensó que no.  El coronel no parecía un papagayo.  Era
un hombre árido, de huesos sólidos articulados a tuerca y tornillo.  Por la
vitalidad de sus ojos no parecía conservado en formol.

Gabriel García Márquez, El coronel no tiene quien le escriba, Plaza & Janes,
1996, pág. 12.
Quincalla:  nf.  1.  Hardware.  2.  Costume jewelry.  3.  Hardware store.

Virginia Campos de Urbano iba leyendo al oído del hijo en un susurro, y niño
Cándido atrapaba como mariposas los nombres de bodegas, quincallas, dulcerías,
 farmacopeas, puestos de catalanes, almacenes de moros, bares de alegre vida,
tiendas de mala muerte, y flamantes groceries que en enormes carteles
pregonaban las mercaderías americanas recién llegadas al país.

Alberto Ajón León.  Pesquisas en Castalia.  Letras Cubanas, 1996, pág. 18.
Menguante:  adj.  Decreasing, diminishing, dwindling; decaying; (luna)
waning; (marea) ebb.

Los secretarios de ejecuciones habían recibido instrucciones de sus
superiores para que controlaran los días menguantes, a fin de que los
tribunales pudieran emitir sus veredictos con rapidez, habitualmente contra
el acusado.

John Grisham.  Cámara de gas.  Planeta, 1995, pág. 385.
Menguante:  adj.  Decreasing, diminishing, dwindling; decaying; (luna)
waning; (marea) ebb.

Los secretarios de ejecuciones habían recibido instrucciones de sus
superiores para que controlaran los días menguantes, a fin de que los
tribunales pudieran emitir sus veredictos con rapidez, habitualmente contra
el acusado.

John Grisham.  Cámara de gas.  Planeta, 1995, pág. 385.
COMING NEXT WEEK:  Info. on the Chilean company of the International Children's Festival, definitive info. about
the Eastern Idea Share, and more!
Hasta muy pronto,

SEMINAR/WORKSHOP: Fruits of the Earth: Frida Kahlo and
Diego Rivera: February 10 and 24th. Dessert and Art
lecture discusses the relationship and art of Mexican
muralist Rivera and painter, Kahlo while participants
enjoy elegant desserts from Seattle's finest bakeries.
7-8:30 p.m. $20. Frye Art Museum. (206) 622-9250.
"Todos a una."