¡Atrévate! Bring your Spanish teacher friends! This
will be really fun!!

Experience communicative methodology demonstrated by
the author of the wonderful new Spanish text,
¡Atrévate!, Audrey Heining-Boynton! Just $20 reserves
you a place in this workshop!

Saturday, September 18, 1999 Washington State
University Dept. of Foreign Languages and Literatures
McAlister Hall Classroom #214 Drive on over!!
Complimentary coffee, juice, bagels etc. at 8:30AM
Workshop begins at 9, lunch 12-1 on your own,
(probably in town with a group of us), afternoon
workshop continues until 3PM so you will still have
Saturday evening with your family!!

Send check to
 Prof. Sonja Hokanson
 Dept. Foreign Languages and Literatures -  #64-2610
 Washington State University
 Pullman, WA 99164-2610

Or contact her with questions at (509)333-8393
(H)/(509)335-2755 (W), shokan@mail.wsu.edu