I. COCINA GALLEGA fue absolutamente fenomenal.
De punto de vista de
participación, ideas útiles, comida
excelentísima, conversación viva,
y lecturas de literatura, todos se divertieron
muchísimo. Unas 26
personas participaron en el Compartimiento de
Ideas y la comida.
Había algunos que no podían asistir
a ambos, pero la mayoría si asistió.
Las lecturas por el Dr. Herbert Baird, profesor
de español jubilado de
Western Washington University y por Elwin Wirkala,
profesor de
portugués a la University of Washington,
nos encantaron.
II. La próxima reunión del
capítulo será a Tacoma al almuerzo
regional de la AATSP en Tacoma. Como he
escrito antes, el Dr. Marco
Arenas, Presidente de la AATSP, viene para pasar
un rato con nosotros.
III. La próxima tertulia tendrá
lugar en mayo o junio. Vamos a ver
una película de lengua castellana aquí
en Seattle, y antes vamos a
beber un poco de sangría o/y vino español
or chileno en la casa de
Dandy Porter, socia que enseña a University
Prep. Ella tiene una casa
bastante grande, no como la casita mía,
que es muy cozy pero pequeñita.
We will select a film and take reservations only
to a certain date.
We will ask that you pre-pay so that we can order
a block of tickets.
There are usually a good number of tickets at
the door at the Film
Festival if you arrive early. We won't
be taking reservations beyond
a yet-to-be-determined date, so, while you can
join us, you'll be on
your own if you don't meet the deadline.
A few showed at COCINA
GALLEGA last night without an RSVP, causing us
to scrunch together and
have to beg for another table!
IV. Eduardo Tobar nos dice que esta semana
es la última pera pedir un
intercambio con una escuela española...que
todavía tienen interés, pero no
lo han llamado.
V. Krista Swenson of Edmonds provided a
great set of web sites at the
idea share. These will soon be on the Juan
de Fuca web site at
One of the things Krista
alerted us to was the opportunity to attend church
services in Spanish:
400 N 105th Street
(between Aurora Avenue and Greenwood)
Wednesday downstairs at 7 p.m.
Sunday at 4:30
If anyone knows of Jewish services in Spanish,
let me know. Maybe
I'll attend then.
VI. Krista also reports that she's had great
success with the
(409)539-2731-- but
available at Barnes & Noble or the UW Bookstore
Middlebury, Vermont, home of
the famous Middlebury College Language Schools
will be offering
weeklong training for those wishing to become
ACTFL certified Oral
Proficiency trainers: THIS IS A GREAT SKILL FOR
TEACHERS and one that
aids tremendously in authentic assessment.
(If you are an ACTFL
certified OPT, let me know; that way I'll put
your name in the
BOLECTRONICO so people can ask questions.
Middlebury will be offering
training in the following languages:
Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Italian, Japanese,
Russian, and
Spanish. Check out the Middlebury College
web site at http://www.
middlebury.edu and click on "Language Schools."
Hasta muy pronto...last night was SO MUCH FUN!!!!!!